New Season 2024-2025

Details of the concerts can be found on our Present Season page and tickets can be booked online.  Also brochures have been widely cirulated and contain a booking form.  Tickets may also be bought on the door.

We were grateful to the Radio Stations which kindly announced the change of venue due to flooding for our first concert,  which took place in the King's School Hall instead of the Ivor Gurney Hall.  We are also grateful to the Director of Music and to the King's School who helped with arrangements at very short notice.  We are pleased to report we were treated to a wonderful concert by Lumas Winds!  We hope our next concert will take place as usual in the Ivor Gurney Hall when we look forward to a violin and piano recital with Rupert Marshall-Luck and Duncan Honeybourne.

Annual General Meeting
This took place on Sunday 19 May  2024 at St Mary de Lode Church Gloucester when the following Trustees were elected: Chairman - Christine Talbot-Cooper, Secretary- Julia Price, Treasurer - Paul Griffiths and committee Angela Conder. This  was followed by a fascinating talk by Dr David Lowe who has composed music for many television shows and commercials.